Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z68MX: What happened to my RAID volume; How can I get it back


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Z68MX: What happened to my RAID volume; How can I get it back
« on: November 11, 2011, 03:17:22 am »
My newly built Z68MX UD2H-B3 system (2500K, 8GB, 60GB Vertex3, 2X2TB, F12 bios, all latest drivers) ran perfectly until I attempted a new OS install (WHS2011). After failing I reverted back to Win7. WHen I reinstalled Win7 I repartitioned/reformatted the Vertex3 drive and performed a fresh install. Though the system boots normally I am no longer able to access the Marvell Raid1 volume (2x2TB). The disks are recognized during boot and if I enter BIOS I can see the volume listed at the Hard Disk Priority screen. Even so , Windows does not recognize the RAID1 volume. If I change AHCI to IDE the disk manager will see the devices but wants to initialize them. I dont want that since they have 300GB of data on them.


-Just to be certain, how should I configure the BIOS settings to enable a RAID1 volume using two SATA III hard disks?
- If I delete the RAID volume will I lose the data on the disk?
- Any ideas how to recover this configuration?