Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z77-UD5H power on issue.


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Z77-UD5H power on issue.
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:47:24 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm sure that you are use to first time member posting about issues.

I have a Z77-UD5H with issues.

I try to power it on and the power light flickers I have to switch it off at the wall back on and then repeat untill it suddently jumps back into life and works... If I leave the power on at the switch it power cycles without any issues.

I have tried a different power supply and my BIOD is up to date..

The onboard power swithc is orange but I take it that is the only colour it goes....

Please help.



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Re: Z77-UD5H power on issue.
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 10:18:15 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm sure that you are use to first time member posting about issues.

I have a Z77-UD5H with issues.

I try to power it on and the power light flickers I have to switch it off at the wall back on and then repeat untill it suddently jumps back into life and works... If I leave the power on at the switch it power cycles without any issues.

I have tried a different power supply and my BIOD is up to date..

The onboard power swithc is orange but I take it that is the only colour it goes....

Please help.


I'm getting the same, you got no reply from Gigabyte about this? They seem to have their heads buried into the sand instead of supporting their products.

Gigabyte, where are you?


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Re: Z77-UD5H power on issue.
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2013, 06:41:13 pm »
Can't see what compoents you got, mainly the kb and gfx card that mostly gives headaches.

But if it ain't powering like it should, I'd RMA the board.

Also it usually works better if both BiOS'es are same revision,  F15r is latest beta for this board, you have o goole it, i remember that one of the f15 listed on msi site isn't working properly. F15r runs quite fine.


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Re: Z77-UD5H power on issue.
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2013, 03:09:44 am »
if you use an external grpahics card, remove it and check if onboard graphics works?
how many memory modules you insatlled? try one or two to check.
also load optimzie to check

Re: Z77-UD5H power on issue.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2014, 01:13:46 pm »
I have a problem with my motherboard z77 ude5h ....i just clean my fans and when i assembled the computer my motherboard didn`t start .no power no nothing and i didn`t tuch it nothing .my power supply is hx750 corsair.i chec the power supply with manual start and it works....the led is allways with no light praktic is no power .why i can do!!some one can help me!sorry for my english!