I emailed Gigabyte Taiwan about the UD3R's noise problem, and asked them if they knew what batches have that problem and what batches don't. But I didn't get a helpful answer back from them

They made it seem like nobody else has reported this noise problem to their engineering team, and that I'm the only one...
In case anyone's interested in their reply, here it is:
Normally if the noise is not too loud or getting errors, it shouldn't be problem use the hardware. Secondly, if the customer do not submit their issue, then we are not able to track on the component problem. At this moment, we have gotten the message from our FAE team that they do not receive chock issue about this MB and so it should not be much issue with this model.
Since we do not have issues in record, we suggest you might want to contact your local dealer and see if they can let you test the hardware in their shop to prevent getting the same issue to return afterwords? If it still happens, we suggest you to test with other hardware and see whether it could be cause by other device you use. At the same time, you can let the dealer to keep that MB and also the serial number and submit to our local distributor. They will submit the issue to our FAE and they might be able to help to look into this issue later by having the exact hardware. We appreciate your understanding and also your information.