Hi Guys,
This is my first post, so please go easy on me. Basically I have been using this motherboard for last 3 days on this spec:
Mobo: Gigabyte X58A UD3R
CPU: i7 930
RAM: 2GB Integral 1600Mhz
GFX: Gigabyte Radeon 4550
HDD: 1TB Green Caviar 64MB
First I had a lots of problem with installing MS Win. After disabling Floppy and power saving options in Bios I finally managed to get Win7 64bit running. Boot time is slow and data transfer is not really great as well. Tried to check drive with HD Tune PRO: It gets around 107MB/s on ready (that is avg for this drive), but every 3-4 seconds transfer speed drops down to 3-5MB/s. I realy don't know why.

Installing Windows 7 Pro 64 bit took me around 80 minutes which is unacceptable. Has anyone got the same observations? Is there any1 who could post BIOS settings screenshots of perfectly working system using this motherboard? Which Sata port should I use for this HDD?