Hi guys I've got what appears to be the same problem! Must have had the mobo for 2+ years or so and rock solid.
Then I was doing a re-install of Windows x64 7 to try and fix 'graphics driver stopped responding' problem from fitting a new graphics card. I came back to see the PC hung on the AHCI BIOS screen.
It only has trouble with my Samsung Spinpoint F3, the Western Digital Caviar is fine. If I unplug the disks and boot and set the BIOS to IDE its fine although it's not using NCQ

For the moment I don't care I just want to get my PC running! The Windows install from DVD rom (also using Sata) is flaky - seems to hang as if the DVD ROM is having trouble talking to the MOBO.
The spinpoint's firmware and mobo firmware is up to date.
What can I do??