OK I seem to have made a little step
After a tip on another forum about QFLASH i reflashed
After I reflashed I cleared the CMOS
This time a screen came up about what prfile to load " PROFILE1" was the only one or I could enter SETUP or continue to boot
I continued to BOOT and It flew through so fast to Windows load it was unbelievable.
Windows ran true aswell.
SO I turned PC off and tried to turn on again This time It was very Sluggish again.
I turned off PC again cleared CMOS again this time chose SETUP. BIOS setup came up with all options including OC options accessible.
I saved and exited.
Windows booted great and fast again.
Turned the PC off and restarted and yet again VERY VERY Sluggish 10 min boot.
Cleared the CMOS again hit f1 to continue to boot WIndows boot flew through again and here I am

Does this help any in a diagnosis