sorry to go on and on, but id like to add.
i seen in the other post that sent me here.. the fella at first did not run memtest86, then it seemed like he ran it out of spite. i think he said he ran it 2 pass'
it should be made clear that is just wrong. and should not be recommended. i know from my own stress testing. it is a standard by which i have always read and gone by my self.. i understand folks might be in a hurry when testing and trying to post for such things like these info purpose threads.
i have always read and tested like this.. you are supposed to run memtest86 24 hours if all is good, fine. if not good reset things and try again, but should pass for 24 hours.. after booted into windows and drivers etc installed, you should run prime95 for 24 hours. what i do to get 100% cpu is run cpu burn in at the same time. it should run for 24 hours with out fail.. if all is good after say 40 minutes, and if all my security etc is installed, i might surf the net while stressing in the back ground.
i know from my own stress testing and reading from others.. memtest if not fail in first pass or 2, most likely will fail in pass 4 or pass 7. most every 1 know will run memtest if in a hurry, no less than say 8 to 10 passes.. also a few times ive had prime fail after about 7 hours for some reason.. i make changes and test again. i let tests run while i sleep what ever. say i am in a hurry for some reason and only run memtest for 8 passes, and prime for say 10 hours.. i will later come back and run the tests for another 15 on up to 24 hours each. you pretty much know for sure you are safe.. 2 pass' and let it go should never be recommended- ever.
id say bare minimums should be, memtest86 10 pass' and 10 hours of prime95. i have had prime fail at like 13 hours.. again if in a hurry, id run tests more later, just to feel safe. especially if this is a new build, you want to try and break it, so if it does break, its more easy to return to the store in first 30 days versus the manufacturer after 30 days, or normally any way.. so if it stress' for 24 hours, it should run forever.. and normally the cpu etc will never run at 100% again.
if im just doing a mem upgrade, after memtest and in windows, i run prime and cpu burn in, but might end cpu burn in after 6 or 8 hours and just keep prime running in the back ground.. im not sure if you can run multi instances of prime at 1x, but all my abit systems have ran great for me.. im sad they abit is no more.. im looking for a new mobo home..
any way.. we need our stuff to last-- i know i do not have money to burn or waste.. and its other folks who know no better.. you should not short folks on proper stress test practices, and being you put so much effort into your thread about memory and over clocking etc.. its not done until its stress tested.. by all ive ever read, you should stress in memtest for 24 hours and stress in windows for 24 hours..
1 more note: you can stress 24- 48 hours all is good, then run maybe 3dmark graphics tests and fail. then you have to figure out if it is mem or cpu or vid card or psu or heat etc, maybe have to start all your tests all over again.. ha ha.
some say stress for 24 hours total.. i normally test 30 or so. i split it 15 or so hours for memtest and then 15 for prime/ cpu burn in combo.. i feel pretty safe.. 2 pass is nothing.. please help folks to understand, its not done until they have stress tested for said 24 hours.. thanks..
you folks take care.. see ya..