Hello people - sorry to hear that! But Dark Mantis' reply really cracked me up. If only is was that easy to RMA partners

Well there is finally good news to report: the Kingston KVR1066D3N7K3/6G are working fine so far. Three days of cold boots straight into MemTest without any errors. And all I did was used optimised defaults with auto settings and did not have to twiddle with any settings!
I had used two different sets of Corsair TR3X6G1600C9 6GB with no luck. With the second set of RMA it did only successfully boot 1 time out of 10.
We should draw up a list of known compatible memory for GA-X58A-UD3R rev 2.0 bios FB. It would seem so far that:
Problematic MemoryTR3X6G1333C9 3x2GB (theboyfold at

?) - individual component CTR3X6G1333C9??
TR3X6G1600C9 3x2GB (Funkyern & theboyfold at either 1066 or 1600) - individual component CM3X2G1600C9??
OCZ3G2000LV6GK 3x2GB (notshy at 1600 & 2000)
AX3U1600GB2G9-1G (Hello people at 1600)
Good Memory KVR1066D3N7K3/6G 3x2GB (Funkyern at 1066)
OCZ3G1600LV6GK (Gary123 at 1066 and 1600)
CMX6GX3M3C1600C7 3x2GB (Hello people at 1600)
Probably Good MemoryTR3X6G1600C8D 3x2GB (notshy at 1600 and fatbobuk at

?) - NB. this does work for notshy so fatbobuk's issue might be something else
Can other people update this list and correct as necessary?