I was able to use @bios to flash to version 4. According to Gigabyte, it next jumps to version 6. I tried flashing for 4 to 6 and had the same issue, Win7 treated it as a non-working program and wanted to kill it. It does this after @bios runs for about 10 seconds.
My MAIN issue with this board, or with Win7 Ultimate, is that every time I reboot this thing, or cold boot (or use the reset key), when I log into my desktop, my network icon has a yellow exclamation and says "no internet access". However, I can still connect to other computers via sharing or remote deskop, and the other computers have internet. I've also tried two differen routers, same results.
So my quickfix is boot into windows, disable the LAN connection, then reenable it, and the internet works just fine until next reboot.
I have seen this issue reported elsewhere, but there's no real help or solutions (except for the quickfix I already described).
I tried to install a PCI ethernet card (3com) and Win7 didn't have drivers for it, I am losing fast as this new build. The computer is awesome, except for this thorn in my side.
Please let me know if you can help.