Right getting confused a tad now. I went into the MIT page and chaged the voltage setting from "Auto" to 0.85V it booted fine but in the CPU-Z and HW Monitor programs the voltage was being reported as from 0.83 to over 1.2 very odd thinks I!
Went back into the BIOS to remind myself what was being said/reported (in blue and not adjustable) there:-
On the MIT page for CPU Vcore it has a column "Normal" and there is says 1.3000V, lower down it says 1.264V
On the PC Health Page it says 1.284V
Incidently setting to 0.85V I got a warning dialogue about failure to boot???
I have changed it back to Auto for now and the CPU-Z if I look very quickly starts at 1.264V drops briefly 0.88 then to 0.832 and settles there? Now I have checked starting programs and when there is CPU load the voltage goes up to 1.264V i.e. it rises under load ~ normal???
So what do I do now , set it to "Normal" in MIT voltage settings or to say 1.284V to lock it to a set voltage??? If the vCore is low on Boot and hence the startup BSD I have seen I wouldm have thought the BIOS could be set to have a minimum of say 1.5V auto rising as needed toi the Max.
Extra pointers about the BIOS and voltage settings would be very welcome ~ thanks again in advance