Thank you... Thank you... Thank you.
I went to the site you had recommended and since then I have been able to fix almost all of the issues I have with my new build, save what I have written below.
As instructed, since my Logitech G510 will not power up until windows, I plugged in another keyboard.
Once I did that I was able to get into my BIOS and check/change all the options in the BIOS to:
change the all the IDE/AHCI options to AHCI, making my DVD drive work
change the BIOS settings to allow the touch BIOS program to work.
So the keyboard issue is still there, all the monitoring software (3rd party) still reports wrong.
Other than that I think I have everything in order.
Next up I am going to try out the SSD caching system. even though I have a 64 GB SSD, I want to see how it performs. I have a lot of games on Steam and if there was a way to take the ones I am currently playing, put them on the SSD drive and back when I want to play a new game that would be great, but I would also like to see how this works, maybe for other systems.
Again, thanks for all your help and I would recommend this to anyone who wants an Z68 system and has 2X video cards like I do.