Hello Dark Mantis, and Lsdmeasap,
Part 1 : Fixing my SSD OS which is legacy from my old HW
Originally I did remove the MB and test it with component by component up to containing all my HW.
There were issues along the way with the BIOS reverting, but eventually everything was installed and recognised.
I still had the device errors with the 1394 OCHC, no dual channel, and only 4 CPUs.
I just tried a different video card in the mix, as a few posts out there in internet-land suggested the install failure point was at the video card probe point.
Somehow that has resulted in the following.
1) Device errors with the 1394 OCHC are gone. I still have 31 instances, but 30 are disabled while one is listed as working properly.
2) Lsdmeasap has informed me that dual channel isn't being reported to Windows yet and to try Everest Ultimate (will try that and post back),
3) CPUs limited to 2 with 2 threads turned out to be a config layover from my previous HW, as Lsdmeasap pointed out I needed to turn off the setting in msconfig for the number of Processors to use. I did this and now Windows is correctly reporting 8 CPUs (4 with hyperthreading).
So technically all problems with the SSD OS which is legacy from my old HW are resolved.
Thanks HEAPS Dark Mantis and Lsdmeasap!

Part 2 : New OS install with new HW using new HDD (non SSD)
OS install... I've tried a bunch of combinations.
Both BD-DVD and new HDD (not SSD) are on SATA3.
I've tried IDE and AHCI.
I've tried SATA 0-3 Native Enabled and disabled.
I've tried changing the graphics card.
No BSOD anymore, but it just stops. I've left it for hours and nothing. Still stopped. I have to reset as its the only option left to regain control.
Install media is WIN7 ULT64 Install Disk from MS. It worked on my SSD install without problem. It was quick and clean with no problems.
From what I've read it isn't recommended to install in IDE mode and then switch to AHCI. It involves a registry hack to get AHCI working in the OS.
I was originally trying in IDE mode anyway, I only switched to attempting to install in AHCI today. Of the 7 or 8 attempts (I lost count) none worked, all halted and LOCKED-UP without BSOD at the same point the BSOD used to occur.
I don't actually have another optical drive I can try to use. Sorry.
I will try reverting to minimal HW but I am not hopeful.
I do not believe there is anything wrong with my install media as it is proven to install okay.
Best wishes, Niekell.