Quote ...This was a logical explanation to me. Just to put this in a firm perspective ...No intentions to hurt anyones feelings
A very good salesman...... can convince some people that the car that they just bought.......... that sound like a freight train,...... blows smoke like a bush-fire.......... is actually a cutting edge new feature ....not me!
Remember this chip was developed to go up against Intels new flagship........not the 2500 that every ones benching it against......but the soon to be released LGA2011
Which I might add will also be going to a quad channel configuration.........effectively almost doubling the bandwidth to around 42.7GB/s ... up from 25.6GB/s.
That's 66% folks!......these are the sort of figures AMD had everyone believing was coming with FX
There has for me been only two stated figures that Bulldozer has edged out Intel on, .... one was thermal output

...... and the other was the link bellow re "Battle field 3" ....... so am I reading this right when it takes going from 4 cores to 8 cores to get an extra 2 frame per second

And accounts for 2 years of development .....
I know think the final showdown between Bulldozer and LGA2011 will be like a one sided Biblical battle LIONS 47 .....CHRISTIANS 0 Aussie Allan