1) turn off quick boot ....there's information posted that is lost to you while under quick boot.
2) if you shoot (Photo) with the screen turned at about 10-20 degrees to the side .....we might be able to see what's on your screen
3) turn off USB mouse
and keyboard function ..... we need to have nothing interfering (more drivers loaded to do nothing)
The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error is caused by a buggy device driver or an actual hardware conflict. If you've recently added new hardware to your system, try removing it and see if the error goes away. Likewise, if you've recently loaded a new device driver
An NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error indicates hard disk corruption. If your system is bootable, run CHKDSK /F on all of your partitions immediately.
Here is a source that might help you pin down the driver or conflict ...... there's a bit of reading but not half as much as time already spent
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc750081.aspx .... with problems like yours.....sometimes connecting the person with the right information can work wonders ..... hope this is true this time!
Aussie Allan