Hello there. Well lets get to the point. I recently bought a pc. I bought all parts individually and i put em together. The parts are the following. 1)MOBO: Gigabyte 970-D3, 2)CPU: AMD FX6100, 3)RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 8GB (2x4GB), 4)GPU: AMD RADEON HD 6870 SAPPHIRE, 5)Power supply: Corsair Gaming Series GS600 and windows 7 x64bit.
I will refer all issues i faced or facing in order to help you make a guess on the problem. Well when i first put the pieces together the pc couldnt boot. I realized few days later that the MOBO needed BIOS update in order to make the brand new FX6100 cpu to start working. That problem solved. But later on i realized that my memories werent working at the correct fsb speed. That supposed to be 1600 if im not wrong or more. Well they run at 1333 only. I tried to go to BIOS and make some changes. I changed the fsb to 1600, voltages and all other options were set to auto. I tried to boot after that, the pc could not move on with that current setting and in order to move on to windows it automatically was dropping my memories fsb back to 1333. I couldnt figure out what was happening.
I did MEM test on both rams at that point and both were 100% good. No errors no nothing. I was like.. whatta.. Anyways.. I left the issue back for few weeks.. and few days ago i had blue screen errors with the message "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT". I got that screens like 3-4 times in one day. So i tried a mem test again. Just to see if there was anything wrong. Tried both memories at the begining and they both failed with full errors. I tried to run the test again on each memory individually to check if there is only one of em wrong. Well both memories failed the test even individually.I now run my pc with only one of the rams. The one that was less failing on the mem test. At least i dont have blue screens now, while im trying to figure out what is going on with it. I posted on the official Corsair Forums in order to address the issue and they told me that the possibility of two broken rams on a single kit is like astronomical. And also that if both memories failed on the mem test then the problem HAS to be on something else such as voltages or anything. They told me to communicate with the MOBOs manufacturer to see if there is anything wrong. Thats why i m posting here. Well thats it.. Sorry for the wall of text but i m desperate on that issue. Cant find what is going wrong with my memories fsb. Im looking forward for some helpful answers. Cheers.