There will be an Ln2 event in March 2012 held in the University City of Cambridge.
Dates 17 - 18 March 2012

Once again the fantastically priced Mansfield Cryogenics LTD will be providing the LN2 for the event.
Cost £65
Venue The Boathouse
Planned Itinerary - the event will be catering for first timers as well as the more experienced LN2 bencher's.
Novice and First Timers
Day One
9am - 12am
Introduction to LN2Best Practice Workshop - AKA Benching LN2 (101)
Session Contents
LN2 Health & Safety
Basic Thermodynamics
Motherboard preparation and set up.
CPU cooling Intel
CPU cooling AMD
Benching 2D cold
Practical Assessment
Certificate issued on successful completion of the Introductory workshop.
12am - 1PM
1PM till Close
Guided LN2 Benching
Day Two
9am - 11.30am
Optional - Benching LN2 (201) GPU
Graphic Card preparation
Motherboard preparation
Do's and Don'ts
3D Benching cold
Practical Assessment
Certificate issued on successful completion of the GPU workshop.
10.30 - 12am
Guided benching session
12am - 1pm
1PM till Close
Open free LN2 benching
Experienced and Pro-Benchers
Day One
9am - 9.15am
Sign in and welcome
9.15am - 12am
Open LN2 benching
12am - 1pm
1PM till Close
Open LN2 Benching
Day Two
9am - 12am
Vantage 11 Competition - 3 Hour timed event
Open LN2 benching
12am - 1pm
1PM till 5pm
Open free LN2 benching
5pm - Close
Award ceremony and close.
Cambridge is not just a University town.
Historically, Cambridge has been well served with pubs. In 1597 there were 80 ale houses, although this was reduced to 50 because too much corn was being used for ale instead of bread! By 1749 the number had risen to 156 inns and pubs, serving a population of 10000. Today, the 110 pubs serve a population of around 125000, an average of 1136 people per pub.
We are hoping to finalise the venue and dates within the next 3 days.
** NEWS **
A UK E-retailer has committed to supporting the event with some top-end hardware with the aim of breaking some if not all of the UK records at the meet.
Other mainstream manufactures have indicated that they would support the event for the novices and first timers. So things are looking good so far.
Places will be limited due to the nature of the event.Confirmed Bookings to date.
Nathan Jones
Dave (AKA Blindfitter)
Vantage 11 ContestTo assist UK bencher's in their preparation for global benching competitions a Vantage11 contest will be held on the morning of the second day.
Three hours will be allocated for the event in line with international event standards.
Hardware limitations will be discussed closer to the time of the event and will be dependant on the types of hardware used.
Manufactures have expressed a great interest in the outcome of this event I might add.