You might have noticed that runn3R has been conspicuous by his absence all through this thread! I agree with jaicigy they are just trying to keep everybody quiet while they sweep it under the carpet.
Don't worry. I am watching this thread for some time and informed HQ about it already. They are working in this.
Nobody is trying to sweep the problem under the carpet. Such long time to confirm the problem was due to:
(...) Gigabyte RMA engineers could not hear the noise, because of 3 factors:
1) The technicians work in a room that is quite noisy, there are fans etc on all the time. Even I had a hard time hearing the noise when I was in their testing room. We had to put our ears right next to the area that was making the noise, in order to hear it. So it would have been easy for the technicians to miss the noise.
2) Some people simply cannot hear high-pitch noises well. Apparently the technicians in general are unlikely to hear high-pitch noises, because they have been exposed to noise all the time in their work environment, which makes them less likely to notice soft noises coming from a motherboard.
3) Gigabyte uses Windows Vista to test their motherboards, not the latest OS Windows 7. It could be that the noise only occurs when running certain operating systems, and not when running Windows Vista. (...)
(...) Gigabyte technicians use Coolermaster PSUs to power the Gigabyte motherboard and they did not hear the sound. Now I understand why they didn't hear the noise.
I found out my posts have been edited! I can't believe Gigabyte will do this thing... shameful...
I noticed that too. In my opinion, Gigabyte should not be editing genuine posts from genuine customers... that leads to all sorts of problems...
Yes I did edit your posts by lowering your extremely big fonts of your "campaign". We can't support such pro-competition posts

. Please mind I have not changed it's contents, not a single word been changed.
Mates don't forget it's a Gigabyte forum ...