Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-880GM-UD2H Errors


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GA-880GM-UD2H Errors
« on: May 21, 2011, 04:32:26 am »

I have a GA-880GM-UD2H board (not sure what revision) with the following components :

-AMD II X4 640
- 4 * DDR3 1333 PC10666 CL9 (GVP34GB1333C7DC)

When using the onboard VGA/DVI connectors after around 5 minutes the display starts goes fuzzy and jumps around and gets worse and worse until the screen blanks out. If I switch off the screen and turn it back on again the graphics return to normal. I have tried using several different monitors and monitor cables with no luck, same problem with each monitor and cable used.

Also, sometimes it just wont boot. When I try and power it on, it does nothing. The power comes on the CPU fan, is running but it doesn't POST, doesn't beep, nothing. So Ive tried removing the RAM out stick by stick and it seems to fix this initially and I thought I had found the faulty RAM stick. But  when I test all the sticks of RAM by themselves or in pairs, the PC will boot and they seem to work OK. Then Ive tried swapping both pairs around and then the pair RAM sticks that I thought were OK stop the PC from booting. I remove the stick from the fourth slot, the PC boots. I then insert the RAM back in and then it boots OK! I do get memory errors when doing a memtest, but not all the time and it seems very random.

Im not sure if its the main board CPU or memory at the moment as Im not able to find a common them here.

Any help would be appreciated.




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Re: GA-880GM-UD2H Errors
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 04:53:47 am »
OK .. I just tried reducing the speed of the memory in the BIOS and now I'm not having any problems with the display (so far). Its been 15 minutes and I normally start having screen problems after 5 minutes.

Unfortunately it still doesn't tell me where the problem lies. Ill keep testing, maybe with a different CPU if I can get my hands on one.



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Re: GA-880GM-UD2H Errors
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 10:45:19 am »
Had no problems for hours until I changed the CPU to a Phenom II X6 1090T. Now the video output goes bad regardless of what I set the memory speed too.


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Re: GA-880GM-UD2H Errors
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 11:11:40 am »
The problem really sounds like it is with the RAM and the fact that you have run MemTest and got errors, even random ones would also point to that.

However, the problem could be with the Memory controller on the CPU and the only way of knowing for certain is to run Memtest properly using the CPU that you have been able to run with for hours. If MemTest throws up errors with that CPU then you know the problem is probably with the RAM.

If, on the other hand you get no errors then re-run MemTest with the 1090T. If you get errors again then it would be a pretty safe bet that the CPU is faulty.
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.