I really... REALLY cant believe this

I readed all the 29 pages with attention, all words. And I cant believe.
I admire the patience you all have had. Im shocked because I never expected something like this.
Im shocked too because Gigabyte support: they dont give a sh*t until the problem was enlarged and the claims were mass. They was very slow too. I dont excepted that. You pay for your Mobos with effort, so is shocking to me because I can feel is not enough to sacrifice yourself and get the money with effort because you have to invest time and more time to help solve problems that do not correspond. Gigabyte must tested the Mobos with more attention and with more components.
Said that, I dont know what to do. I bought a X58A-UD3R REV 1.0 ten days ago and is new in the box because I need to buy some other parts yet. Surprisingly, yesterday arrived in the same shop the REV 2.0 of this Mobo and I was thinking to change the Mobos, pay the difference and get the 2.0 because is supposedly an improved version BUT it seems is not at all.
I work with audio. I will use Pro Tools, a very picky software. In the Digidesign forums, the EX58 (old Mobo) is very popular because runs PT good. But the EX58 is not more available so I bought the X58A thinking is a improved version. This problem is whit all I7 boards?
Im thinking in get the 2.0, but I need to know if this is a very general problem and all Gigabyte Mobos has this problem or just only some Mobos has this s****y sound and is a matter of luck to get one in good condition?
I cant tolerate noise because I work with audio. If I get noise, I will disable the C1E feature, it will make some damage to the system if I dont want to overclock and turn off it?
I say Thank you all for your time and effort, really. Thank you. I learn alot reading this thread. I will very attentive to your words.